Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 3 and 4 blog post in pictures moslty - must sleep

Day 3 was great - we had a 2 hour meeting with the Good Life SCC Supervisory Committee, an interesting  lunch meeting at the Grand Khan Irish Pub (really thats the name) with the Board Chair, a visit with another hard working credit union member who has impoved his life and that of his family thanks to his credit union. On Day 4 we spent the entire day meeting with staff on a wide array of operational and administrative topics. Sorry no details. I'm wacked and heading for bed. Hope you like the pictures that follow. We've spent the last few hours working on our final report and recommendations for Good Life. We present tomorrow. Good night (or good morning).
Hey Sicily, Mongolian impingulata - I kid you not - deep fried dough pockets stuffed with ground beef and onions - they were awesome - thats coleslaw on top


  1. You have been a busy guy, did you eat all three of those stuff puffs of goodness?

  2. Actually I ate one and they let me take the other two back with the hotel. But on the way back this homeless guy ask me for my package (it was in one of those doggy bag clam shells so he knew if was some kind of food) it so i gave it to him, best part about this story is - as I walk away he yells out to one of his buddys to come over and share them with him - you should have seen their faces - they were in heaven eating those things

  3. I still think they should have named that pub O'Khaanolly's.

  4. Bring some home please.


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